About Us

Welcome to the Nova Scotia Dental Assistants Association (NSDAA) website. Established in the 1970’s the NSDAA is comprised of more than 800 members which include clinical, administrative, product sales and other dental assistants. Licensed Dental Assistants, working with other dental professionals, are a vital part of the oral health care team. Membership to the NSDAA is mandatory in the Provincial Dental Board’s conditions for licensure as a Dental Assistant in Nova Scotia.

PresidentNicole Whitehouse
Vice PresidentKyeisha Clayton
Past PresidentLeslie Grant
Valarie Buchanan
Jacqueline Snooks
Kyeisha Clayton
Provincial Dental BoardSherry Whytewood
National Dental Assisting Examining BoardDonna Rushton
Canadian Dental Assistants AssociationNatalie Marsh
Executive DirectorLynda Foran


The President, President-Elect and the Past President make up the NSDAA executive. The NSDAA contracts an Executive Director in a part-time position, who is responsible for managing the administrative and other functions required to run the organization.

Members at Large

In 2018 the provincial affiliate representatives were replaced with ‘Members at Large’ positions. The request for an expression of interest is conveyed to the membership body, to join the NSDAA Board as a Member at Large. Together with the executive, these volunteers make up the NSDAA Board which meets regularly to address the needs of the membership.


NSDAA representatives work on behalf of members by attending meetings and other professional functions. Having representation on various Dental committees that govern the profession of dentistry provides a voice on behalf of Nova Scotia Dental Assistants. It is through the NSDAA Board, Representatives and Committee participation that we liaise with local, provincial and national bodies that influence the profession. The NSDAA’s mandate is to provide information and offer a united voice for its members.

Feedback and Support

The NSDAA welcomes feedback and support from its members. If you would like to volunteer to work on an ad hoc committee, please complete the NSDAA Volunteer Application Form.